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I've Got To Go Now.

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Posted by Eric Clark on October 24, 2003 16:43:03 UTC

But I'll be back in a few days, Lord willing.

RE:>> * C'mon. He sang a song in the belly of the fish are you trying to tell me he was not alive? C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. *
Did he sing the song as a round ?
I’m not trying to tell you anything except that I wanted to see if I should cast real pearls before you or not. C’moff C’moff C’moff Do we astonish one another ?

RE:>> * Why are you switching the story to Jesus' resurrection? The point of this discussion is that anyone can just say "I believe it". *
Sorry, I guess I missed the point. You threw me with the ‘book’ and “In God we trust”.
I thought sure the discussion was related to these.

RE:>> * "I believe it". It means nothing except that someone is willing to believe anything simply because it is their religion that teaches it to them. *
If you’ve already drawn your conclusion, why discuss ?

But, in case you still will accept related views …
I wear out this part a lot because most just don’t get it.
I am not willing to believe anything simply because any religion attempts to teach it.
I do not have a religion that teaches me.
I have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me, but without Faith you will not believe this.

RE:>> * If you mean that the following quote is God's truth, then I beg to differ: *
I presume that this means that you do not believe all of the Bible.
If you do believe parts of the Bible, may I ask –
how do you pick which parts you believe and which parts you choose to reject ?
May I presume you reject the part about the resurrection of Jesus Christ ?

RE:>> * Is that God's word? Would God say to Saul go kill babies? Is that your conception of God? *
Yes, 1 Samuel 15:2-3 is part of God's word.
Would God say to Saul go kill babies? No, he wouldn’t now, but He DID then.
Until you begin to grasp the holiness of God and His great love for you,
you won’t likely apprehend how/why these things happened.

RE:>> * Is that your conception of God? It's not mine. Nowhere close. *
I don’t have just a concept of God, I have God Himself dwelling inside of me.
Does my concept of God involve believing that all of God’s Word is truth ?
The answer is yes.

RE: >> * It's not mine. Nowhere close. *
I believe you. And not just because you teach that.

RE:>> * What's the difference? *
The difference between “imaginary” and “real” ? Is that the question ?

May the Lord guide and direct your steps.
I love you, my friend. Do not close your heart to the wonderful plan that God has laid out.

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