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Posted by Eric Clark on October 27, 2003 21:44:54 UTC

RE:>> * You have this extremely limited view of God that he somehow he is forced to make a world where the majority of humans that he made are put in hell where they are miserable forever. *
No. I do not believe God is forced into allowing men to choose whether to accept Him or reject Him.
But because He is Loving and Just and Holy, He must confirm to His own nature.
Because love must be a free choice, in His Love, He had to allow men the free choice to accept Him. This necessitates that He had to allow men to reject Him. It is not a choice without the other half.
Because He is Just, He cannot accept men without their sin being paid.
Because He is Holy, that payment had to be a perfect. The only perfect payment is His Son.

RE:>> * The God that I believe in would not even make a world if that were his only option. *
I agree. This is why I am telling you of another God.
The one that you do not believe in.

RE:>> * God determines those who can accept him. *
Romans 11:32 "For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all."
Yes, He has had mercy on all men. but that does not mean that all men will accept His mercy.

RE:>> * You would rewrite this Pauline scripture as:
Eric 11:32: "For God has love for all men and tries to save them from disobedience but is severly unable (even though he created the universe in the first place), so instead of mercy he will burn them in hell forever with excruciating torment, fortunately we saved our butts". *
Actually, I would simply refer you to Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19 for my view on rewriting scripture.

RE:>> * I'm glad your Saddam Hussein god is not the God of the universe. *
Your adjective conclusion added to your withdrawl from even wanting to
hear the reasoning regarding the rightly divided context of I Samuel 15
leads me to conclude that my words now fall of deaf ears.
So be it, but you will still be in my prayers, and He is waiting for your prayer: for God is not far from each us.
If you do not believe in the Holy Spirit or the Jesus that I proclaim, what do you make of John 16:13 ?

RE:>> * You speak loving words, but you describe a sadistic and evil god. *
These love in these words is not my love, but from the God that I describe. I thank you for the patience you have shown me; for many do not go as far as you to hear. I thank you for your wishes and I pray for you as well my dear brother and friend.

May the Son of the Living God make Himself known through the power of His Spirit which, only, can convert a heart to truth. Amen.
As it is written. We may water. We may plant. But only God giveth the increase. In all sincerity, I pray for an eternity together with you.

Love from Christ Jesus the Lord of all, Eric %^)

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