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Posted by Scott Abernathy on May 30, 2002 16:01:34 UTC

This is what Aaron said -

1. Jesus is only one part of the 3 part trinity.
2. The physical body dying has nothing to do with the spirt. Jesus was very well aware if where he was when he was physically dead.
3. God is infinte. If you could split you God into trillions of pieces. only one would be needed to hold the universe together, science each peice would be infinite.
4. Since when does one lose one's ability to percieve ones surronding since one dies. Obviously this would be on another plane of existance, but still one countinues to exist after one dies.

Point 1 implies that, as a matter of fact, that Jesus is a part of the holy trinity. I was saying that people can interpret that differently. It is arrogant to believe that your version is the only version worth merit. I never said you were wrong, I simply don't believe in a blind faith towards organized religion. I don't agree with your views about God. I never said they were wrong, they just don't work for me. You on the other hand, believe all other religions and sects of Christianity are wrong. You are arrogant. I am arrogant for other reasons, and being close minded is not one of them!

The other points are too steeped in absolute faith to even begin to comment on. I will just let them stand as absolute fact in the eye of the beholder.


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