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Inter-dimensional DNA? (3)

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Posted by Alan on November 16, 2001 12:26:40 UTC


The six 10-groups:

First state A of C, second state B of C;
First state Y of C, second state P of C;
First state A of C, second state P of C;
A, P of C; A, R of C; A,Y of C; Y,R, of C; P,R of C; B,Y of C; B,P of C, B,R, of C.

There are ten objects here, all C objects. None of them have two states that are the reverse of any other object's two states. (eg. there is A,B of C but no B, A of C).

I found also another of this type of group with ten such B objects; and a group of this type with 10 A objects; a group of this type with 10 Y objects; and one with 10 P objects, and one with 10 R objects.

These Groups:
10A, 10B, 10C, 10Y, 10P, 10R.

You can take a 'at right angles' approach and from these six 10-groups you can take the rows of the table you can make (using not states but the objects) and consider that six strings of A-B-C-Y-P-R are jump-oscillating/ vibrating in 10 dimensions.

General notes on system only partly mapped here:

Note that every ABC entry is itself something where any of the A, B, C can have the effect of being orthogonal (sq. rt. -1) to the other two elements. So i, imaginary numbers; occur throughout and occur on the scale of whole groups at right angles to other groups.

Scale and structure occur at every level, yet it can look like chaos; it can be like a Mandelbrot set times itself in every direction. These are just some of the patterns; my guess is that every topology, geometry, math, physics, can be found here if one maps out more objects (or maybe it all derives from the ABC to YPR relationship; so the whole universe is implicit in the relationship betwen any two 3-in-1 objects. Thus the origin of the big bang is everywhere.

There isn't time to show what I've mapped so far but there are groups within groups; bigger groups, all sorts of patterns.

You can draw tables and rotate the entries about different axis to get new tables forming in one case 11 clear groups.

Taking the 10-A group from above and the similar ones:

Table 1:

10A-10P-10C then next row 10B-10Y-10R then 10Y-10C-10B then 10P-10R-10A.

Table 2: (rotated table 1 about vertical axis)

10C-10P-10A then next row 10R-10Y-10B then 10B-10C-10Y then 10A-10R-10P.

Various rotations give:
Table 3:

10C-10A-10P then 10R-10B-10Y then 10B-10Y-10C then 10A-10P-10R.

Table 4:

10P-10C-10A then 10Y-10R-10B then 10C-10B-10Y then 10R-10A-10P.

Table 5:

10Y-10C-10B then 10B-10Y-10R then 10A-10P-10C then 10P-10R-10A.

Table 6:

10A-10P-10C then 10P-10R-10A then 10Y-10C-10B then 10B-10Y-10R.

Table 7:

10P-10R-10A then 10Y-10C-10B then 10B-10Y-10R then 10A-10P-10C.

Table 8:

10A-10R-10P then 10B-10C-10Y then 10R-10Y-10B then 10C-10P-10A.

Table 9:

10R-10Y-10B then 10B-10C-10Y then 10A-10R-10P then 10C-10P-10A.

Table 10:

10A-10R-10P then 10C-10P-10A then 10R-10Y-10B then 10B-10C-10Y.

Table 11:

10P-10R-10A then 10Y-10C-10B then 10B-10Y-10R then 10A-10P-10C.

There are obvious symmetries between the tables when compared with each other. They are like larger scale 'objects' with larger scale 'states' and larger scale 'jumps' and larger scale 'sq. rt. -1' relations etc.

Of interest I found also this:

I found I could get four objects from two objects such that the table had four triplets reminiscent of DNA structure.

Table Inter-dimensional DNA ingredients?

10A-10P-10C then 10B-10Y-10R then 10Y-10C-10B then 10P-10R-10A.

Well, running out of time; food for thought though.


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