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Luis, You Mixed Everything.

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Posted by Alexander on November 17, 2001 16:15:38 UTC

Not only dimensions with coordinates (like space with time) but number of objects in a system with number of dimensions, and now completely unrelated to DNA Plank time and Hubble.

Is there a chance that you say something coherent? Or, may be, write an equation-two? Or at least state something ore clear? I am afraid, no one here understands what you try to say.

You mentioned something about my competence in physics. Ok, let's see who knows physics better - you or me.

How about really simple physical problem? Something from mechanics, or electricity, or heat? (Let me know if you can go beyond, and we then can chechk each other levels with problems from relativity, QM, GR or QED if you want).

How about the following high-shool problem: two cars of equal mass moving with the velocities 50 mph and 70 mph perpendicular to each other, collide inelastically on the intersection. Lets find, say, the magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the wreckage, and the percentage of kinetic energy lost into bending fenders. Can you do that? This is typical problem from "mechanics" section of russian 8 th grade physics textbook. In the very same textbook there are plenty of simple problems on electricity, heat, gas laws, etc. Feel free to say what is your area of particular "expertize" in physics, and we will see if you can pass junior high school.

Let's see what is your level of undertanding physics as you seem to be an "expert" in discussing origins of laws of physics, in mathematics of higher dimensions, etc.

And let's indeed compare your level of mastering physics (prehistoric? ha, ha, ha...) with my, as you wanted to do many times.

Best regards.

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