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I Say....

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Posted by Tim on April 10, 2003 00:32:59 UTC


"Sounds like you are a professional like Aurino,
so your ideas are taken seriously."

no sir, i am not a professional scientist. i'm a layman with a life long interest in science.
i'm particuarly interested in quantum mechanics and relativity with a bent towards trying to
understand certain aspects of those disciplins such as the principle of relativity, the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, the equivalence principle , quantum mechanical tunneling, the uncertainty principle, the deBroglie equation, the double slit experiment, spooky action at a distance, Bell's theroum, the laws of thermodynamics, the various phase states of matter, atomic and molecular structure and dynamics, energy in its different forms and it's relationship to mass, the quantum vacuum, space-time and cosmology. i like trying to understand this stuff on a fundamental physical level. the way that mathematics interplays with this stuff also intriques me as well as the philosophical underpinnings and implications that are involved. that being said i still find it difficult to understand something as simple as a lever.

"You wrote:
"the nature of God is by definition beyond mankinds knowing""

and also stated on the end of that was:
since everything with God is the ultimate in perfection.

it may be poorly put, but i think it's true, another way of saying what i meant would be to state that God is so omnicient that it is beyond mankinds capability of knowing his nature. this
inability need not stop one from speculating about that nature. there certainly has been an
awfully lot of that done. i don't think the nature of God is falsefiable.

"Then you wrote that God's nature is "STILL"
"timeless" "unchanging" "SPIRIT""

your words "God's nature is" not mine Mike. here is my statement:
God exists and is a timeless and unchanging spirit (in that the one thing God is not free to do is be imperfect in his essence). so God is the ultimate expression of stillness.

if the above is a description of the nature of God then i retract my first statement about our
capability of knowing his nature. i'll give you this much, it is a partial description of the
nature of God, my guess is that it is an infinitesimal part of what would describe the nature of God. i'll venture a guess that the universe and God's relationship to it is but a miniscule part of his being.

"Since you have said mankind cannot know
but apparently Tim can know God's nature, are you saying Tim is not of Mankind?"

Mike actually i was only responding to PhillipMartin's inquiry. he was curious as to how others here see the world in relation to Life, Existence, God, Science, God and Science, Time
(especially Time Travel), Afterlife, etc.

"Tim wrote
"in the affairs of mankind there is a concept called morality and it is a concept that one can
easily argue about one way or the other. morality is a measure of a man's spirit. the final
arbitrater of what is morale is God."

I am not convinced God cares at all about morality. (S)He said "Thou Shalt Not Kill" in the
Jewish 10 Commandments. But on the radio I hear the Jewish talk show hosts cheering for mega-bomb
war alternately with spouting their views on everyone else's morality. Morality is
a fairly slimy and disreputable word compared to
TRUTH. In fact, it is a word often used by folks for whom TRUTH is the worst enemy. (Present
company excepted, I hope)"

fear not my friend, truth is a friend of mine also. what you state above minus the comments about the Jewish talk show host and minus God's not caring about morality is how i feel about mankinds concept of morality. i believe that God has a sense of morality that may or may not agree with mankinds various senses of morality. it is also apparent to me that breaking God's sense of
morality (what ever that may be) has most definite consequences.
with respect to your reference to the 10 Commandments which is a part of a whole lot of other Jewish theology one needs to understand what Kill means. it certainly is not refering to
justifiable homicide such that would occur in a justifiable war. after the 10 Commandments were
issued God helped his chosen people kill loads of folks in war. not that there were'nt consequences for those wars and killing, only that God helped.

"Anyway, if God is unchanging, I don't se how
(S)He can stir Himself to arbitrate anything.
Action cannot be performed without changing

i suspect that the universe by it's nature takes care of the action for God.

regards, tim

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