I don't know your inner thoughts, but it is quite possible that you are so dedicated to your beliefs (e.g., literacy of the Bible) that you are willing to sacrifice truthful research in order to preserve them.
***Do you think I get up in the morning and think, 'He he he. What can I do today to decieve those suckers in that forum?'***
No, I think you get up in the morning and say:
"He he he. The Bible is 100% true, everything said in evolution is false. It is my duty to prove this. The Bible cannot be wrong. All my explanations supporting the Bible may not be correct, but they must be used in any case to fight these evolutionists. All I have to do is tie them up in the ropes and I have done my good deed for the day... he he he... ha ha ha (evil laugh as in Dr. Evil in Austin Powers)... [now the picky to the mouth while holding the cat]"
***No! I honestally believe what I post. If not, why would I defend it so consistantly?***
You don't care what you post is the truth, just as long as what is posted against you (evolution) is not perceived as the truth. For example, I don't think you would care if the scientific community rejected that the dinosaurs were not carried on the Ark as long as they denied evolution. I don't think you would care if the scientific community rejected that the dating methods were incorrect as long as they denied that those measurements were representative of the real ages of the rocks. In the end, you don't care about what science believes, just as long as it does not deny the biblical record. This is why creationists could give a hoot about much of physics. It is only wrong when it interferes with your biblical interpretations. This is why astrophysics is rejected, and nuclear physics is fine. You don't care how many nuclear bombs physicists might make on the planet, but you sure the heck care if they hypothesize an ape ancestory to humans.
***Please show me why you believe I am purposly decieving everyone.***
A rational person would think it obviously ridiculous that all the giant creatures of the past (T-Rex, Wholly Mammoths, Rhinos and their ancestors, etc, etc) were on the Ark. However, you don't even give a second of thought. It can almost see the pinky by your mouth with that evil laugh. I'm adding some jest but much of what I am saying is serious.
Harv |