Mr. Kent Hovind says that the sedimentary rock was laid down during the flood. From my experience, this is certainly impossible.
When looking at the sedimentary rock of northeast Ohio, the shales have very thin bedding. And the bedding is very uniform. There is no irradict bedding. The sandstones, though, thicker in bedding, experience the same uniformity.
Sometimes there is some weird stuff in the rock cores. For instance, in between the Sunbury Shale and Berea Sandstone in Garfield Heights, where we drilled very recently, there was alot of interbedding of both shales, siltstones, and sandstones. There was non-uniform bedding, with soft sediment deformation. This deformation wasn't too large and was confined within the transition zone to the Berea sandstone from the Shale. If sedimentary rock was created during a cataclysmic event, one would expect that sort of deformation to a much larger degree and fully throughout the rock core. This condition was encountered in one of the borings, for less than 5% of the rock distance cored, about 7 feet.
Lets get funky and go to the border of Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, Ohio to Gorge Park where some of the best Berea Sandstone outcrops can be seen. At Mary Campbell cave, you are given a great opportunity of seeing exposed shale and sandstone interbedded. The funny thing is that the sandstones generally have gravel bedded within it. This means that quite a force in the river was moving these pieces. But once you get into the shale, not a single piece of aggregate, NOT ONE! In fact, in all of my experience, I've yet to see aggregate interbedded in siltstone or shale. There is no model for a global flood that can account for this. If sandstone, one inch above the sandstone/shale interface has 1/2" pieces of aggregate, why doesn't the shale have it when they were supposedly formed during the same flood.
I can go on, about the bedrock of Northern Ohio, how it bends further down as you move from West to East. Its bowing, is strong evidence that it was forced down by a slow gradual loading, aka the eroding Appalachians.
Then there is the sea coral that is 300' deep in Ohio. That being evidence that the midwest used to be near the equator...
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