First the easy part. A poster wrote, "Our first amendment rights are only violated when we are restricted from practicing a religion, not when someone else endorses a particular religion."
'Someone else' is a pretty broad term, and obviously this quote is accurate if it is defined as an individual. But if 'someone else' includes the government, which seems to be the relavent party given the 'in god we trust' thread, then this quote is inaccurate. The constitution is clear. The government may not respect any etablishment of religion. I would suggest we all have the right to practice our own religion and we also have the right to a religious free government. Does a little motto on money cause problems and concern courts, obviously not. Is it technically a violation, I would argue it is but perhaps it has not been taken as such because it is not specific to any religion other than broad based monotheism.
Onto atheism and agnosticism, I knew there would be rebutals to my post on this. I would ask all the self proclaimed agnostics out there to define what an agnostic is and tell me what he or she believes. Are you simply undecided? Are you a true agnostic and believe that it is impossible to know whether god exists but you also have faith, have no faith, or are undecided? Ah, there we have it. Could you please explain the difference betwenn no faith and undecided? It seems to me undecided would fall under no faith, would it not?
I would suggest doing some reading on the internet. A broad range of fairly respected groups about the topic. Not one line from a dictionary of choice but in depth reading from relgious groups like the Catholic Church and non-religious groups like seveal atheist groups. Here is one I found that is easy reading:
Remember, Atheism means both "Belief in no god" and "No Belief in god", their is a difference and many suggest that Atheists are only those with a "Belief in no god." Agnosticism is not the middle ground, it is a completely different concept.
I would agree that my post is not in sink with the thoughts of most Americans, but that does not mean it is wrong. Many times, if not most of the time, the majority is wrong.