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No Sunday-school In The Schools

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Posted by Brian E. Sloan on April 2, 2001 14:30:12 UTC

I understand your point, though I don't agree with it. No one is suggesting we turn public schools into religious entities.

The First Amendment is there to keep the government from infringing upon religious freedom. Congress is prevented from making ANY law that even deals with religion. To circumvent this, the ACLU and others who have an interest in promoting an anti-religious agenda, have waged a successful propaganda campaign to twist the First Amendment to mean that it guarantees freedom FROM religion. And it does no such thing.

Religious freedom, in the truest sense, entails the free-market exchange of ideas. If you are a Muslim, Jew, Christian or atheist you should have sufficient reason to believe what you beleive, to not feel threatened when exposed to other beleif systems or world-veiws. If you are, perhaps you should re-examine what it is you believe.

The ACLU is the legal arm of the political leftists, they have no interest in freedom, religious or otherwise. If what you say is true, that scince the schools recieve tax dollars, thereby they are prevented from making any utterence that can be construed as religious doctorine, then why don't they cry foul when my tax money is spent to fund abortions? Or where have they been in support of my Second Amendment rights?

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