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Deception Of Uneducateds Or Uneducated Deception?

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Posted by Alexander on February 14, 2001 18:56:16 UTC

This (post by Nelson) is a perfect example how people who does not know where physical (mathematical, actually) laws of nature come from - they use narrow illogically picked examples from what they can see around (I hope, they see more) - and examples which have no logical relationship to the topic they try to dig into. (Not to say with the laws of nature themselves (which are pure mathematical laws).

"What if we are blind worms deep underground who has only one sence (tactile) to learn the splendor of the Universe? What if 2x2=5? What if atom in reality consist of antimatter? What if there is not only matter and antimatter, but billions of other alternative forms? What if time is 5-dimensional? What if there is life after death? What if our brain communicate with others by neutrinos or unknown radiation? What if some people can walk over water? What if Earth is actually empty deep inside? What if Sun is actually cold inside? What if we actually evolved from advanced aliens? What if God is the time itself? What if God is sitting around the left corner but our car just can not make a left turn?"

Did I give enough topics for a couple months discussions on professional theological and philosophical conferences, as well as on "Discovery", "Sci-Fi" channels`, writing multiple "academic papers" (boy, is this what they call "academia" in this country?) as well as numerous books like "Beyond the Horizons" , or "Fractal Reality", or "Dimensionalities of God" and to make plenty of money on uneducated public? If not, let me know, I will give you a couple dozen more.

Wake up, it is 21 century around, not 1st - we know where thunder comes from and which symmetry results in law of conservation of what. (And there are only several mathematical symmetries around).

We even have telescopes to see far around and to confirm that visible universe is the same as our neghborhood as far as we can see, and as back in time as we can go - everything within this space-time works in complete agreement with the equation 2x2=4 (from which all symmetries thus all laws of Nature can be derived).

Ignorance about laws of nature is not an exuse to insist on "perpetual motion". Waste of time and deception of public. (Is this a deception to make money on uneducated people?)

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