Hi Paul and Glenn
One of you has experience with this school of thought...do both of you?
Glenn wrote:
"Nichiren likewise developed and presented his teachings very rationally. He is well known for his scholarship and his willingness to debate."
Yes, Nichiren's style is well known to his peers that lived 40 generations ago in his time!
There are parallels in his story with that of Jesus...and with others' life stories too. Jesus was conversational
I have not seen you, Glenn, really debating most points I made...except the ones that your "organization" would care about.
Buddha was a wealthy Hindu Prince who teaches a modified yoga with some dogmas that haven't changed much at all...regardless of all the high-minded "debate" in the past 2,500 years.
Maybe it's a racial thing. If it is, I'd leave behind both Buddha and Jesus and go with modernists a lot more...who arrived in the
homelands of Buddha, Nichiren and Jesus with
superior technology but open to learning the ancient psychologies. My ethnic groups are well
represented in the inventors of the modern age.
I like Jesus because his story exemplifies
a longer range of what happens in human affairs.
Compare Buddha, Nichiren and Jesus
All born into literate families.
All become "breakthrough" teachers.
Two of them are persecuted. One is not much persecuted (Buddha). Why? Well, in part because he isn't saying that much different from his time, isn't challenging corrupt politicians head-on, and in fact was born into an extremely wealthy family.
All their messages are somewhat distorted or misunderstood and cults are formed which are
more interested in their own egos than ultimate truth.
At least one of them suffers the fate shared by so many of humanity's best...he suffers death by
ignorant humanity. That story tells me more truth about the bad things that can continue to happen.
Not anonymous,