Hi Ted,
It's refreshing to talk to you, too.
***I agree that our discussion in isolation can't bring about any earth-shattering change, but it is a step in the right direction***
Yes, but we really aren't in isolation, you know. It could be that nobody but you and I read what we write, but since this forum is available to so many, there is a distinct possibility that others may read our discussion. So we better be careful; you don't know who's listening.
***It could very well snowball into something much bigger than an online forum, if the right ideas are brought forth.***
You got it. It could also snowball if the ideas are wrong, so again, we'd better be careful.
***And is fear of retaliation a real reason not to try?***
No. Not at all. I don't think I said or implied that it was.
***If we don't make some effort to resolve conflicts, who will?***
Who knows? I think it is virtually impossible to predict the affect individuals will have on the future. We just have to give it our best shot and do the best we can.
***Will they[, conflicts,] ever be resolved?***
I think they will be; I am an extreme optimist.
***Did all those intellectuals that I listed, and the hundreds of others who were persecuted, let their fear of retaliation stop them from innovating? Should we?***
No. And, No.
***Maybe, I don't know. Maybe the social climate isn't right for that kind of thing, but I still think that it's wrong not to try. ***
I agree with you. Nobody knows. And, we should all try to improve things here on our cozy planet.
***Thanks for tolerating my opinion.***
You're welcome. Thanks for tolerating mine.
Warm regards,
Paul |