Hey Paul,
I agree with you in taking a traditional pragmatic stance on issues and trying to actually accomplish some positive progress. Nothing would please me more than to see some seriously revolutionary ideas come out of this forum, ideas that change the world and improve the lives of all mankind. However, I think that that's exactly what we're doing.
If you examine the course of history, specifically the emergence of new and controversial ideas and theories, they are almost always marked with division and strife, often culminating in violence. Intellectual innovators like Martin Luther, Wycliff and Huss, Erasmus, Voltaire, Galilleo, Newton, and countless other innovators were persecuted for their beliefs. Wars were started and ended, countries were torn apart and unified, and the daily lives of countless people were altered forever by the advent or resolution of conflict over ideas. The 30 Years War, the American Revolution, the Cold War, and many others were started and continued based on ideological underpinnings.
In essence, our discussion here could impact the daily lives of billions of people. It could effect our educations, our behavior, our preconceptions, and almost every other facet of our lives.
I fervently believe that evolution is totally false, and it is my opinion that the teaching of it, or any unsubstantiated theory should be removed from our public schools (no, I'm not advocating the teaching of creationism). Even if that isn't your belief, I think that this discussion in and of itself, can go a long way towards ending the conflict over this issue that has effected the lives of so many.
Ted |