Hi Mike,
I thought the last 3 of your questions were interesting, but I'll answer them all anyway. Bear in mind that my answers are only my opinions and I make no claim that they are true. I only claim that if I had to guess at the probability of their being true, I would say that the probability would be something over 50%.
***Ever notice how when you are thinking about something, you suddenly see someone who seems strangely involved in your system, but you don't really think it's appropriate that they showed up? ***
No, I have never at the same time noticed that and felt that way.
***You suspect they have calibrated your brain imprint to a projector and know what you're thinking?***
If, by "they", you mean "someone who seems strangely involved in your system" and who I can see, then, no. If you mean have I suspected that my thoughts are available for some other sentience to know, then, yes, I suspect that they are.
***Anyway,n who are the folks who are reading the minds of certain persons using inventions from the 1970s?***
No one "using inventions from the 1970s".
***Is the Real Creator of the Universe reading your mind using electronics?***
Well. . .yes, in the same sense that you are now reading my post using plastic. It is significant to note that in both cases there is a whole lot more involved than electronics and plastic.
***Is the Real Creator of the Universe forming opinions about which of our religions are correct?***
***If you know the answer to this, can you prove it legally or scientifically[?]***
***[I]s it up to each individual as a Child of God to decide?***
Yes. Therein lies the key. Each of us is a Child of God, meaning that each of our consciousness is a tiny working fragment of the mind of God. In that way, each of us is a contributory part of the "Real Creator". So with this view, it is easy to conclude that the "Real Creator" is reading our minds, forming opinions about religions, and deciding how to drive one organism at a time in an attempt to cause the universe to unfold in the desired direction. In spite of the confused picture we get from one of these confined perspectives, it is all working out wondrously well.
Sincerely and seriously,
Paul |