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No Such Sickness (movie Thus Is Propaganda)

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Posted by Alan on February 24, 2002 06:50:11 UTC

As far as I am aware, it has been demonstrated that "shizophrenia" is a fiction, a metaphor for misbehaviour.

Thomas Szasz wrote a book "Shizophrenia, The Sacred Symbol Of Psychiatry" where he exposes the mythology of this American-style 'Taleban'.

Textbooks on pathology till recently just ignored the mythical sicknesses of the modern thought-policeman, because they were metaphorical and not medical. Some recent texts have now included it (no doubt its absence was embarrassing to those who believed in it)- however the entries for things like shizophrenia make quite different reading than entries for genuine medical patholgy.

It's like the difference betwen astrology (make-believe) and astronomy.

What is called "shizophrenia" is in practice an ambiguous list of disapproved-of behaviours, a grab-bag of sins against a priesthood of pyscho-babble.
The word is used to justify denying personal responsibility, or even the asaulting of misbehaving persons with chemical weapons misleadingly called medicines. Hitler's nazis pioneered the use of health rhetoric in the service of social control. Soviet Russians once thought American hippies were shizophrenics.

Correlations with brain-chemicals remain speculative nonsense- if ever something were found to be a genuine (and not fake) brain-disease it would be lifted out of fakery (psychiatry) and put in to neurology or some other part of genuine medicine.

Every behaviour no-doubt has chemical parallel phenomena- this does not make one a cause and one an effect, or make one 'sickness'. Taking alcohol (a drug) influences behaviour; but doesn't mean drunkeness is a 'cure' for the 'illness' of sobriety. Nor does it remove responsibility for drunken behaviour or getting drunk.

Nowadays any dissaproved-of behaviour gets labelled 'illness'; and any approved of behaviour-influence gets labelled a 'therapy'. State support for this enterprise creates a 'therapeutic autocracy'. Responsibility gets evaded, crime proliferates, insurance companies bleed financially.

Even genuine medicine becomes moral politics the moment it asserts one bodily state is right (healthy) and another is wrong (sick) (see "Limits To Medicine" by Ivan Illich).

However, although "shizophrenia" disapears the moment the "Taleban's" rules of behaviour are overthrown; the people so-labelled do not disappear. Similarly witchcraft may disappear, but there still remain social misfits once labelled as witches.

It appears that people who indulge in play-acting, people who do not conform to social rules of behaviour, and people who experience the reverse of lucid dreaming; may be among those labelled as shizophrenics.

So maybe there are people who, instead of experiencing wake-consciousness in a dream (lucid dreaming), experience dream 'craziness' during waking (dream-lucid waking). If so, and if such persons experience problems with living; the answer would be for such persons to take more control and responsibility, not less.

It is quite possible that some people have bizarre experiences where simple things seem magnified etc.; this may involve the break down of the social-lie that everyone is expected to maintain. It is possible to learn a great deal by exploring one's inner world; and in the process it becomes fairly obvious what may be going on in some of those deemed crazy. My guess is that in some people the lies-of-society break up; the "veil" of distorted-perception gives way in a haphazard manner. My guess is such persons best be held responsible for themselves and encouraged to own and run their own inner state.

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