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Originally Intended For Grego, But I'd Like Some More Input
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics Posted by S.H. Le on October 5, 1999 23:40:45 UTC |
Greg, those are all very impressive arguments. I'm honoured that you used them all on little ol' me. But... Greg: "However, the fact that Creation, and the chaotic aspect of Creation is without error, is indicative of intelligent design. How else can the non-theist explain a Universe that is based entirely on random occurance, that is without error over a Fifteen Plus Billion Year Period?" Tenacious: Again, since my understanding of physics is rather limited, I must use examples of Biology. You insist that nature has created no error. But through the course of evolution, certainly there's error. A major point in the theory of evolution is Variation. That is, the more varied a species is, the more likely it is to survive. Thus, nature has surely experimented with thousands of possibilities and has produced many screw ups, before humans popped up. The errors, simply vanished into oblivion because they were not successful enough to pass on their genes. Much error exists in nature. The way I perceive the world, randomness produces order and error alike. Which brings me to the Law of Inertia. Inert matter will continue moving until something acts on it, or it will remain at rest unil some force moves it; matter will always take the path of least resistence. This theory, when applied to life is this: living things tend to want to continue on living. Animals do this by simply reproducing. Humans also do this, but we are burdened by a sense of self awareness. We have full knowledge of the fact that we will fade into nothingness. I believe this to be one of the major reasons why Religion provides so much of a comfort. It's almost built into us by evolution, this need to continue on. Furthermore, it is logically impossible that God could have produced All things. I say this because at least 2 things could not be created, the way I understand them. Now, an event proceedes it's cause IN time. The creation of time would be an event. But isn't time necessary for any event to occur (since an cause precedes its event in time). The creation of time would have to be an event outside of time, which doesn't make logical sense. I think, that it's a possibility that time has always existed. Second, the laws of causality also could not be created. This law is simply the cause and effect relationship we observe in the physical world. Some things directly cause others to occur. God could not create this kind of order because such an event would be a cause in its self. The fact that things can be caused pressuposes order. Thus, the idea that chaos was all present, and along came God and made everything orderly, could not happen. That was quite a crappy explanation, but I gave it my best shot. Now, if these two things could not have been created, then there may well be others. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Unless of course you come up with better logic contrary to my argument, which I welcome gladly. Live long and prosper.
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