Hi Mark,
This topic is certainly a core topic for God and Science!
I remember reading that lysergic acid diethylamide-25 was discovered while Albert Hoffman was trying to make a new formula for soap, and in its action on the brain, it tended to create a temporary halt to some brain operations and enable others to overload.
In reading a book based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead,
Dr. Leary himself said the value of the session would depend on the person's mind set and the comfortable, supportive setting of the session.
It appeared the contents of one's mind would provide an important half, at least, of the experience.
Human, or even animal (or plant?) brains might not be the only way in which
a large-scale processing network is arrayed in the cosmos.
I don't think our thoughts are inconsequential to the cosmos, any more than the rambling, repetitive emanations of the stars at least!
Or are they rambling and repetitive?
I notice that I don't even remember most of what I was thinking when I was, say, eight years old. There is a mystery. It is as if the moving finger "writes and having writ, moves on"
but we are always on the tip of the writing instrument. What a ride!
A systems approach that covers this all may only be possible in imagination at present....the details may be some day recognized too, or maybe not.
"Whatever year you were born, go back to the year before that and tell me what it felt like..."
I remember computing on my deathbed. Folks around me were a little annoyed that I would do this with my last hours on Earth instead of giving them my full sentimental attention ( but of course the calculations on paper also occupied my warm sentiments in life.
Okay, that was just made up from reading about the last hours of Albert Einstein's life-- the year before I was born.