Harv, your double standards are ubiquitous.
Do you know what ubiquitous means? Did I spell it right? Are you addressing both sides or are
you being a partisan for dishonesty?
In an interesting sidelight, lysithea's contact with Carl Sagan is interesting; she was having a good time with him when she was...how old?
Great! Apparently contact with celebrity scientists inspires folks to ...what in this case?
http://www.astronomy.net/forums/god/messages/27954.shtml lysithea wrote:
"why would you believe me when I say how old I am? I'm 18. Believe me?"
We all remember Carl Sagan.
Lysithea knew him well, apparently? Do you believe it? She writes at http://www.astronomy.net/forums/god/messages/27954.shtml lysithea wrote:
"why would you believe me when I say how old I am? I'm 18. Believe me?"
We all remember Carl Sagan.
Lysithea knew him well, apparently? Do you believe it? She writes at http://www.astronomy.net/forums/god/messages/27989.shtml:
"He worked with Carl Sagan and the Shoemakers - he was friends with the Shoemakers, Carl was another story though.
"It was fascinating listening to him go off on his work, and when he found out that I could converse with him about it, he pulled out his maps and we started talking. I went to house frequently - much to my best friend's dismay (she was his granddaughter) because she usually got dragged into our conversations and as she described it: it just wasn't her "cup of tea" - and I found the world of intellectuals he described to be quite appealing." |