"Because initally our genes were perfect. Therefore, inbreeding would not have lead to the mutations and such that it does today."
This is a good one. I know you will have a patent Christian answer for this one, but I will tell you anyway.
If you are sooooo smart, then why are you sooooo ignorant of genetics. How much do you know about DNA? Obviously, not much. Lets look at the statement you made.
Our genes are perfect.
1. Why then do we have so many repairing mechanisms in our DNA? Mutations arise all the time in our replication and transcription processes. If our genes were perfect, why include mechanisms to fix problems?
2. You still contend that a human being is put together better than a watch - false! We have watches that are water proof, weather proof, sun proof, and possibly war proof - can this be said of human genetics. We have people dying from being too hot or cold. Humans are fragile and our DNA has mechanisms to fix problems, but not all of them. Our genes have never been perfectly adapted to their environment, in my opinion.
Can you prove your statement scientifically? That our genes were perfect at one time? I hope you have observed this.
We could take a watch and DESIGN it too withstand all possible problems that could arise. Why didn't your designer do the same? I know you, nor I can answer the question - but you are asking the same type of absurd questions.
"You can not get a rottwieler from a poodle, no matter how many generations of poodles you breed. "
No, but you can obviously get a rottweiler and a poodle from a common ancestor. All dogs are evolved from wolves. Once again you are misunderstanding the concepts of evolution. You still think the evolution requires an elephant to give birth to a rat! That is ridiculous and nobody is contending that. I hope that home schooling has prepared you for real social situations where real people will be conversing about real topics. Maybe you should learn more about the other side before you go off repeating creationist jargon straight from their websites. You may be missing out on some real learning!!