"Am I rude? Am I a liar? What am I doing? I try not to be anything like that, and if I am, sorry."
No, just elistist, snobby, ego-absorbed superiority, and close minded.
Does that cover it.
"Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant a begining WAY back, like before the big bang (or however you believe the universe started). "
I got it - keep changing the question until you get the response you want. Good tactic. I am sure all the top schools will want you with that logic.
"For example, my little brother in 6'th grade got at least 90 on all his subjects on the end of the year SAT. (The national average student gets 50) Now, of course not all home-schoolers are great, but the majority do very well. My sister was homeschooled, now she is a Junior at Houghton College in New York."
Oh yeah, well, my dad can beat up your dad. My mom is prettier than your mom. My brother scored a 91 on all his tests, and he is in the public schools. Ha - I win!
"But smarter....well, just look at those links"
I did and you aren't!! I have been talking with you at length for over a week, and in terms of science I can say you are deficient.
If those kids would have been in public school they probably would have failed, right? C'mon - get over your pampered, protected self and see yourself for who you are. A kid who has never experienced anything on his own apart from the church or the umbilical cord. Go out and get some experience - do what Christ did and expose yourself to a few seedy elements of life. Get down and dirty and see the world for what it truly is. Get out from you shell and see the world - I hope you get a chance to do this later on in life, providing you don't go to a Christian college, get blasted with more rhetoric, have milk and cookies with the family, and never experience any other philosophy or world view for yourself. How lame and pathetic!
"Well.....yes. I have the Bible as a record. I trust the Bible. When you watch a video of something, but were not there, how can you know it is true? I have the begining of this universe recorded."
The Bible!! You said the Bible! I would wipe my butt with the bible if I had a copy of it and no toilet paper. Does that mean I hate it? No, it means that it is just a book. You read it and see it as a unearthly object meant to save mankind and be taken literally. It is the message that it sends that is important. Peace and love. That is it. Those are the only things worth taking out of that book that was written by men who were trying to convince people. Peace and love. I am sorry to tell you this, but all you have is blind faith. Not science, but blind faith. BTW, those video's are based on scientifcic experimentation, the bible is based on man's word. There is a difference.
Sorry to be so blunt, but you don't hold back from me either.