"Jesus Christ would be morified at the state of religous belief today. Christ was preaching 2 things; tolerance and love. I don't think he cared about the age of the earth or fundamentalism."
Christ quoted from Genesis a number of times. So if you throw out Genesis you also must throw out the rest of christ teaching along with it. The go hand in hand the can't be seperated.
"Christ, the man, is somebody that I can totally respect." Really when you just called his teachings "A Crock" The bible is Christ teachings how can you do this?
"Christ was preaching 2 things; tolerance and love." He also taught that one should beleive the whole bible, to hate evil, to not sin, to obey God, to love God, to fear God, to not beleive that the world's views in the last days because they worship the creature and not the God who created it, he also said many claim to folow him yet he knows them not... etc... way more than just tolerance and love.
"I don't think he cared about the age of the earth or fundamentalism." He was a fundamentalist and his truths were based on both.
"Science could never verify anything without tangible evidence." and you beleive evolution why? Science is obserbing what happens in nature, but evolution has never been obserbed so it can't be part of science.
"Since your creation account is based upon a flawed book written by man, it cannot be proven scientifically." Flawed? How? Also you beleive something that was also written by man, which also can't be proven scientificly.
"Smoke and mirrors is all creationism is." Based on what, oh that's right evolution.
"The irony is that religion wants to be accepted by science, but at the same time wants blind faith that cannot be questioned." The true Irony is that evolution is a religion and yet it is claimed to be a science.
Oh by the way sorry about those other post I made today I was just a little mad. No hard feelings right thanks. That wasn't christ like atll all.
Can you forgive me?