Hi Dick,
Very nice reply, thanks for putting the time to write it. I'm sure others have enjoyed reading it as much as I did. There's so much I'd like to comment, but unfortunately time is short these days, so I'll just pick what I think goes to the essence of the issue:
I know you don't think the way I do
Exactly! In fact, I think you don't think the way most people do. You can take that as an insult or as a compliment, I mean neither. You are certainly original, and that alone makes you relevant.
That said, I also think you fail to understand some of the roles explanations, theories, rationalizations, in a word, conscious thought play in people's life.
Very rarely can conscious thought do much more than establish the validity of a single cross connection of concepts
Now here I disagree vehemently. The subconscious works in mysterious ways, if you don't feed it theories, it won't tell you what to do. Sometimes the most fantastical, off-the-mark, delusional theories can produce some quite amazing results. Sometimes I think the whole point of thinking about theories is to keep your conscious mind busy while your subconscious does the real thinking, the one that actually produces results.
If that is true, then all "theories" are equal, including your own. Chris' model of the universe, Paul's, Yanniru's, Alan's, yours, mine, they all should be judged by their usefulness, by what you can achieve by thinking about them.
The rest, as you say, is all a matter of opinion.
Aurino |