Someone wrote:
"I do become depressed and sullen at the deep questioning I find myself engaging in. Life, God, philosophy, religion, the beginning, the end, where did we come from, where are we going, what is the purpose, why is there no purpose. All of these questions are not healthy to think about on a daily basis and I find myself caught up in expending lots of mental energy on the contemplation of these subjects. Am I alone?"
May I comment: You are not alone. First may I say that "healthy" is just a metaphor for "obeying someone's rules".
Regarding the other comments: there are other possibilities:
Consider: no need for a purpose, only this unnatural life that the adult world has rammed down our throats as babies requires a "purpose". To babies, existence is self-fulfilling and exhilarating. No need to bow down to some adult "purpose".
I wrote this to Dr. Dick:
"By "it" I presume you are referring to "life, the universe, and everything". I also contend that, based on my own recollections of that age; that newborn babies also know! And that if you recalled your experiences of being 1-day old or less, you would know!
It is strikingly obvious to me: here you have adult humans wondering what it is all about; those same humans have an obvious blank in their recall; they know that to understand something it helps to know the history of it; so surely time to add two and two together and ask: why the blank in recall? And what insights may be waiting to be found, by discovering what lies beyond that barrier?
Fair enough?
I broke that barrier. Anyone can break it, as far as I can figure. Main ingredients: do not deny or repress in yourself anything you ever felt, thought, experienced or did; be open to the awareness of even tiny, fleeting phenomena (that may even have no name); what counts is Existence, notice what exists, thus "every voice gets a hearing" i.e. no repression; it helps if you are loved (let be) by others.
Helps to notice how infinitely gentle reality is; because reality includes all your thoughts and awarenesses; so if you don't like something about reality, as reality includes your very sense "that you don't like something", reality is infinitely gentle to you as it buffers you with your own thoughts."
That's just some of what I found anyway.
Discovering what is true can be apparently hazardous.