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Should We Play The 'how Do You Know?' Game?

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Posted by Harvey on April 27, 2001 17:00:37 UTC

Hi Paul,

If you state something that you 'know' is certain, my response is 'how do you know?'. So, I'll just carry this out and try to anticipate your answer (sorry if I don't properly anticipate your next response):

Paul: "One thing exists for sure: Thought".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "Because I label 'thought' any thing on my behalf that requires thinking, and since I am in the process of labelling therefore I must be thinking therefore thought exists".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "Well, funny you asked that question, the reason I know that I am labelling something is because I am now in the act of doing it and I can see from my actions that I have completed that task of labelling, therefore I know I have just labelled something".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "Darn you Harv, you ask such insightful questions. The reason that I know that I have completed the task of labelling is because I have this perception of the world since childhood that has always confirmed when I have labelled something and when I haven't been so successful (such as when I was drunk one time the words and thoughts just didn't do the job, and I knew it even at that time)".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "Where did you come to such an insightful question? Okay, the reason why I know that my perception is correct is because if it wasn't correct then I would certainly have fallen off a cliff and not be around any longer to engage in this delightful and original conversation with you."

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "Well, I'm assuming that I can't continue having conversations once I have fallen off a cliff from poor perceptions on my part".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: "I guess I can't know as in really 'know', but it is ridiculous to think that I could have different perceptions than what I have about thought, the process of labelling, the perception of completing a task, as well as thinking nothing would change if I had a different perception. Therefore your line of questioning is not pertinent to be knowing what I know - at least about thought existing".

Harv: "How do you know?"

Paul: (silence)

Warm regards, Harv

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