" I'm surprised at your shortsightedness. "
You are a funny guy Harv. Insofar as scientific knowledge allows you to dream, you show unabashed devotion to it. But as soon as I offer you solid science as a wake-up call, you start denying it.
Are you ready to maintain that Einstein was wrong? Sometimes I do so in a jokingly manner, but you seem to be taking the idea of superluminal travel very seriouly.
" A primitive species of hominids discover science, and they immediately know the limits of space travel? "
A primitive species of hominids discover logic, and they immediately know what is logical and what isn't.
Notice I didn't say you can't visit another planet, another galaxy, another universe. All I'm saying is, you can't do that the way you think. You can't board a spacecraft and fly away faster than light, by all means that is just impossible and any person with a decent education in physics knows that. But who knows, maybe you can teleport yourself?
" I don't buy it, not even for a second. "
You don't buy into your ability to know what is true and what is false? You don't buy into your ability to know the truth about 'buying' and the truth about 'second'?
Thought is full of blind alleys, but blind alleys sometimes appear as ordinary streets. Until you bump into a wall, that is.
" As W.C. Fields might say "hominids go away, you bug me". "
What did W. C. Fields know about relativity? Is he as much an authority as Einstein? |