"Take two couples, put one in Bermuda and one in Antartica, wait two million years, and tell me there won't be adaptations to the environment that render the two groups quite different."
Once again, adaption is a fact, and is not harmful to the creation model. Of course these
two groups would be dramaticly different. But you would be willing to say the they will have "evolved" into something more complex than we are now? They may be more suited to their enviroment than we would be, but that is not evolution. Simply adaption.
Me "And by the way, up to date, there have been NO beneficial mutations"
You "How can you say that? Did you ever watch The Incredible Hulk? :) If a mutation is good for you, it helps you pass your genes on. If it's bad, it doesn't. Are you taller than your parents? Do you have a different shoe size than your dad? Are you faster, or a better climber, or smarter, or anything, than they were at your age? Those are minor mutations."
I love the incredible hulk. :)
Being taller or faster are not mutations! The definition of a genetic mutation is:
"The process by which such a change occurs in a chromosome, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome." Do you mean to tell me that certain humans who have bigger brains and continue to pass their genes on for millions of years will eventually become a new speicies, homo superior? I have bigger feet than my Dad, does that mean that there was a "alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome"? No! My Dad has the genetic information for my foot size, and I recieved it.
A mutation would be if I had a size 2 instead of a 13. KC2GWX 73's