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God Does Not Exist Simply By Definition.

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Posted by Alexander on October 1, 2001 18:03:52 UTC

Science does not have any trouble to prove gods inexistence. It was always in the past, that whatever believers call god was quickly found to be in contradiction with facts. So, it looks like recently believers decided NOT to define god AT ALL, because any definition was immediately in contradiction with facts (or became in contradiction with facts later, upon futher increasing of our knowledge about Universe).

So, god and gods of numerous kinds were proven and overproven by facts to NOT exist many times over. And all observable phenomena and forces were found to be just mathematical consequence of basic symmetries, as anyone can see in any good physics textbook.

It is FAILURE OF RELIGION to tell what is it they (believers) are talking about (what is god).

Frankly, because any god they try to believe in does not fit facts, believers simply DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Even worse: in desperate attempts to not lose their face they try to come up with ANY idea of murky "somebody" which would somehow fit scientific facts. Yet it simply does not. Universe and everything in it evolves according to mathematical laws (universe was not created in big bang because big bang mathematically evolves from inflation, inflation - from false vacuum, etc). Those ideas to insert (now well stripped from their ancient biblical "powers") gods into biology or physics just show ignorance of believers about basic natural laws and very often shows huge gaps in their knowledge about chemistry, biology, math, etc.

So, science had PROVEN and OVERPROVEN absence of gods, Santa Clauses, etc many times over. Having nothing to say each time science points to the contradiction between current definition of god and facts, religion SIMPLY REDEFINES gods - removes one more power or feature which contradicts. And on, and on and on it goes during last 5 millenia. From concrete biblical human-like-god to completely non-existing in physical universe quazi-philosophical "spiritual entity" (to save last remnants of face, believers now say that "it" (what? who?)exists "outside" of universe, "outside" of space and existed only "before" time. Because anything else roughly contradict facts.

So, BELIEVERS now are in deep trouble, NOT science. Not only everything in observable universe goes by mathematical laws and without need of any Santas (gods), but they (believers) DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT GOD IS!

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