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Re: More Than One Universe

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Posted by Bill/">Bill on January 11, 1998 21:48:05 UTC

: Our Universe was created by a big bang that happened billions of millinea ago, all matter in Our Universe was held in one Primordial Atom. The atom exploded and all the matter expanded outward. Now some think the Universe will keep expanding forever. Others believe it eventually reaches a point where, because the majority of the matter in the universe is in the center and the outer rims of Our Universe become so less dense, all matter begins to retract back to the origin. Tell me what is on the outside of Our Universe, another universe doing the same thing? Does our Universe have boundries? There can be no nothing. If our universe just keeps expanding forever it has to be taking up something when it expands. There is not anything there to be taken up. If all anything is within our Universe it is impossible to be expanding for an infinate amount of time, because there would be no where to expand. In the second theory, when our Universe begins to retract, another universe is expanding on the edge of our universe, and others everywhere else. Our Universe eventually becoms the original Primordial Atom and the cycle happens again, expanding while anlother Universe is retracting. So there could be an infinate amount of universes all in this cycle and we, most likely are not the begining of this cycle, just an insignificant second in the life of everything.

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