I think that since altruism and sexual selection have been successfully explained in the light of advancements in sociobiology and the destruction of nazism and other so-called 'darwin socialist' philosophies has taught some lessons not only to humanity but to the upholders of the philosophy of darwinism, itself, it's quire reasonable to believe that an efficient moral system is in the making as is suggested by the ever-increasing attempts of mankind to develop a testable 'theory of consciousness'. Morality, to me, is a naturally selected behaviour but it does need new definitions.
Define supernatural? Something that can defy inverse square laws? Something that doesn't obey E=mc.c?
Is your system of beliefs testable?
We are quite intelligent, no doubt. But we are suspended between two worlds; the small and the large. Even our simplest insights into the nature of matter and energy involve a great element of 'description in human terms'. We are so much accustomed to treat things too deep in terms of our senses. How does an electron looks like? The seemingly dual nature of light is also a conception that arises simply because we are trying to treat everything in terms of ordinary concepts of 'particles' and 'waves' which we can easily 'visualize' in our cerebrums. We are limited. So, lets just accept that. Lets hope that development in genetics may lead us to defy death someday. I don't think that 'life after death' is by any means a matter of consideration or philosophy? It is just an aftermath of a naturally selected human attempt to be more comfortable with his existence, psychologically. Isn't it? Lets just enjoy this very 'feeling' of being alive. Even if there is some phenomenon like this 'out there', yes, I don't think that it should affect our behaviour or the way we go about our lives. "GOD could have done better than what he has done with our lives and existence."
Are you a reductionist or dualist or some sort of a platonist? Dark matter theory suggests that you are happy to trace the consciousness to only matter. Am I right? By the way, what is the basis of your argument (it's not really a hypothesis; doesn't seem to be a testable notion)? Let me ask this. Why are you so sure about the consciousness that lurks somewhere in some 'bose-einstein condensate' thing (read about this somewhere else too), if you are sure about it at all? There should be a certain degree of tentativeness in our way of going about our daily lives. It's important because of our greatly subjective and limited place in nature. For the moment, I would like to believe that we are unique, of course, but not good enough in answering:
What is life?
What is consciousness?
What is energy?
What is force?
Or in a single shot it seems that it will take us a 'miracle' to understand who we really are or in other words 'what' we really are! But, who knows? I, however, greatly cherish the statement that: Man can do what man can think.