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Posted by Duane Eddy on November 13, 2002 22:55:10 UTC

As you can tell my ego hasn’t fully developed yet either.
I’m just here because the universe we live is almost beyond imagination and I thought I might learn something about it.
If by luck I happened on to something interesting, shouldn’t I be allowed to think about it?

I have read your conversations.
It is obvious that “some” of your group has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge about current scientific thought and factual information.
It also seems that you are concentrating on minor adjustments in current thinking.

Current thinking may be correct and warrant unwavering loyalty and it may not.

It is my understanding that most major advances in scientific thought occur when the basic assumptions of the current science were inspected and questioned in light of recently discovered facts..

Einstein’s theories are an example of this. Even if he stole the ideas ( which I believe was suggested in this forum recently ) you have to give him credit for knowing something when he saw it.

Considering this I was curious about what might develop if your group applied themselves to a model which modified one of the foundational assumptions of current thought.

After spending some time trying to determine the “unspoken” assumptions which were “unquestionable” in current scientific thought I modified a few of them by trial and error until I found one that seemed to give reasonable results when modified.

The assumption that I modified was “ space was relatively flat even between galaxies.”
When I considered what would happen if space was curved enough to close our galaxy some interesting predictions resulted.

I apologize for my unwillingness to study the equations for gravity and light transfer in curved space but it seemed logical to me that I would not be able to attain enough knowledge to accomplish this in my life time. ( That is if I wished to remain married. )

If you feel patient I can give you my “logical arguments” and you can point out where I am incorrect. Maybe the idea is unsalvageable.

The worst that can happen is that I will learn a few things.

Are you willing to take a go at it?

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