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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Roswell The Only Real Evidence?

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Posted by Jim Schings on January 15, 2001 22:09:37 UTC

>They don't hold up for you? maybe because alien transport is so good they move too fast to be seen <

No, they don't hold up for anyone using science as a tool. Umm yes, maybe they move to fast to be seen. Maybe they don't exist. Which one is easier to accept? Which one can be proven?

>There were alien sightings well before the 70's
they probably wanted all their debris removed anyhow.<

There have been sightings of spirits, gods, faries, ghosts etc. since man has been able to document. (not to mention Santa, the Easter Bunny, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Nessie and more)

None have ever been proven to exist. Now one could selectively say, "well I believe in UFO's and aliens, but not that other stuff". But that "other stuff" has just as much evidence to support it as UFO's and Aliens. Do you believe in it all? What evidence is your cut point?

Wouldn't it be simpler and more logical to only believe in things that have SOME evidence to them?

>Presendential romance?<

My point was, that the government has little success at hiding secrets for more than a very short time. Monica Lewinski/Clinton, Marilyn Monroe/JFK, the Atomic Bomb, Iran Contra, etc. Yet in the Roswell case we are led to believe the government has kept the secret and lots of physical evidence for 54 years?

Re: UFO's in general, the UFO'logist's would have us believe that all the governments of the world have kept the secret. Amazing that those same governments can't even keep from killing each other or fighting over a wailing wall, yet they can keep UFO's secret. A international plot of huge proportions? Come'on guy. Think about it just a little.


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