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Re: Re: SCIENCE? What Do You Now Of SCIENCE?

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Posted by Tripp McCann on January 20, 2001 17:49:49 UTC

this is going to be fun.

Jimbo.. the entirety of your response is a bunch of jargon and unexplained non-sequitors without substance or stated point.

I will hit the major points in your discusson and ignore what you wrote that is unintelligable and meant to be so in an attempt to elevate your ..treatise.

The Exectuive Order made By Clinton, February 2000 You missed the major point here. It is not about pre-existing "martial law" and a military tribunal and Japanese internment during WWII.. THis is about the total removal of the pre-existing state of and use of Martial law and military court tribunals -- totally ABOLISHING THEM -- and removal of all civil liberties in the event of "National Security Crisis" and allowing any and all citizens of these United States of America to be incarcerated indefinately without reasson nor explanation!

NASA and the Moon
Wonderful! You have reviewed all the footage of NASA's moon landings downlink. I don't suppose you got any sort of subpoena for all materials and recordings of the moon landings? Dont you find it curious that we can land men on the moon, and yet all our news agencies couldn't get a direct link coupling to broadcast the landings on the moon and instead had to film a MONITOR at the time? What you have viewed is what you and all were intended to view! You justify your own postion with garbage information which is intended to only allow that postion and again.. no respearch. I myself have seen a stack of still images in a gentleman's vault of those same moon missions..glossies.. This gentleman was high level in G.E. involved in the design of the navigation systems aboard both the LM and command module and was gifted this images by a close friend at NASA. They show things which even your own untrained eye would recognize as non-natural.

Regarding the image at
You say only that this stunning image of 3 astronauts on the moon surface is "so obvious yet NASA released it any way". .yet you offer no further comment. How about you put your analytical skills to further analysis of that image and tell me about the incongruities of the shadows and lighting: the lighting shows a lighting source within 100 yards of the image center but no less than 40+ yards. Have you no means to explain this image's existance and make it reasonable in your paradigms, so you must simply gloss over it?

Regariing "Kermit" and Cydonia etc I have not seen "kermit" on Mars though i have herd it mentioned in several places. I have however seen an early image which NASA deemed the "smiley face" which was in actuality an impact crater with dune drifting in its midst forming what appeared to be an askew smile and eyes. This "smiley face" has been used by some to show that anythng stunning found on Mars is a hoax and joke by nasa. The truth is i do KNOW about the human mind's ability to pattern forms and yet this is not a problem for a trained person and educated eye. I myself, again, am well skilled and trained in analysis of geomorphologic structure from satellite imagery and have also consulted the U.S. Military in time of war on satellite images.

In referencing Cydonia, i am assuming you are referring to, and dismissing the "Face" as well as other features there. My own verdict on the face remains uncertain and not yet resolved, however i have to say that the symmetry of features even in the newer imagery shows things that in great likelihood.. artificial. I dont spend much time on Cydonia because *IF* it is indeed artificial, the site is relict and not currently, imeediately "ACTIVE" and showing unedeniable constructs in use, which other sites most definately do..sorry to burst your bubble. I am not alone in this belief either: i have a growing legion of geologists and engineers who I have shown the imagery and they are stunned and ..believers.

I suggest you have a serious look at the images i provide further up on this bulletin board..and also check out my web site.

You reference your education and credentials
I suggest at this point that you are suffering from an apriori prejudice resulting from over reliance on what your education has told you "must be" and have failed to do due dilligence and examine information with an open mind, allowing the salient details to lead you where they may. All the education in the world is useless if you are not familiar with thinking on your own. We have many things we have failed to follow up on and get glossed over, things which conflict with our preconceptions and existing profile of what has been and what *IS*, such as the stepped pyramid off of Japan found under 30 fathoms of water a few years ago, older than the Great Pyramid of Giza and yet it never made it into any Archeologic publications.. or the images of flying craft carved in the beams of the 3,000 year old Temple of Abydos (seen below).. It is time we looked further into these things.

We are not alone.. and the imagery on mars is hard proof and provided to the public by our recognized space institution -- NASA. If you need further imagery from Mars posted here, I'd be glad to provide it; the artificial constructs on Mars are not hard to find.

"There are stranger things in Heaven and Earth than can be dreamt of in your philosophy"

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