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Re: Re: Re: Re: SCIENCE? What Do You Now Of SCIENCE?

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Posted by Tripp McCann on January 21, 2001 10:10:57 UTC

Once again you have failed to address anything in a factual manner, bury this over with a mass of unrelated detail and personal horn blowing and after totally failing to address the your respondent's points, you seek the only avenue available: That of seeking to deminish your opponent in dishonest associations, demeaning phraseology and condescending tone.

Specifically, your unprofessional manner is evidenced by:
--Possibly my words were to complicated two O's in too, son.

--I bet you were one of the Art Bell, crank up flashlight buyers for Y2K too, right? actually, no; I knew Y2K would be a complete non event technologically wise, however I was not underestimating the penchant for human beings to act irrationally and panic given the build up. Actually, Art Bell, like any medium, has points of value a well as utter hogwash and charlatanship bent on selling books. Curious to see you're a listener, however.

-- This form of retrofitting "facts" has been going on for 100's of years. Ask, Cayce and Nostrodamous' followers. I have indulged in no "free form association" nor are Cayce and Nostradamus at issue here, nor are tea reading, seances, after-life near death experiences, shamanish and channeling. This is only your attempt at slandering your opponent by association and is a gutless and witless tactic lacking effort, containing no pertinent information nor commentary and represents a total avoidance of the discussion at hand.

--You have seen it? Me too. You famililar with forward error correction, bit redundancy and special protocols. DES is NOT being used Actually what is shown in the SOHO imagery along side the sun is not "error correcton nor bit redundancy nor any sort of mombo-jumbo "special protocols". Further more, it is not any sort of processing failure nor image malfunction. The later images from SOHO are deliberately obscured image alteration by blackening out portions of images where the same portions in images immediately proceeding them showed non fractal, coherent shape and form of objects that should not be present in the view finder while gazing on the sun -- ever.

--Both with my education, experience and other credentials. Being the member of a paranoid militia group is not what I call science Point of fact, I am not now nor ever have I been a member of any (paranoid)militia group, nor for that matter am I a member of the Communist party, HOWEVER here again your repeated dishonest slandering and evident need to characterize your opponent via association with negative images has all the integrity and intellectual honesty and ugly demeanor of the McCarthy era communist hunt and repeatedly evinces your inability to address issues at hand on any sort of intelligent basis.
What I have seen of your "eduction" and background, which you yourself describe as "vocational exprertise" has all the reliance on technical jargon to bemuse the audience and amounts to the skill and creation level of an electornics radio technician able to view Moon videos on his lunch breaks with "other NASA subcontractors", and this does not amount to - analysis.
Meanwhile my own PROFESSIONAL background and training and exposure in regard to the relevant issue of Satellite Image anaylses of topographic detail is,Double unergraduate degrees in Geology and Geophysics and English from a highly reputed Ivy League school. I have Studied the active volcanism on Hawaii with the United States Geologic Service when it finished its nearly 20 year quietus with new ongoing erruptions in 1983. I have worked with Industrial and military clients in the Environmental Geology field, divided almost equally, performed the first military base closure in the U.S, being a S.A.C airforce base and was responsible for the tactical nuke refurbishment areas and M.R.B.A/E.O.D (Munitions Residue Burn Areas/Explosives Ordinance Demilitarizaton Area) and prior to this work was trained by the U.S. Navey Seal program in explosives. As a consequence of this work and my background in geomorphology I served as the only civilian providing image analysis of satellite imagery for US Navy during the War in the Gulf. I have written and been published in numerous technical capacities, including but not limited to morphologic histories of geologic regions of the United States, and varias training and sampling protocols for the E.P.A , as well as authored more creative writings. I have a background in geophysics that ranges from conducting and analyzing seismic refraction, Ground Penetrating Radar, electro-magnetometer (EM31 and EM34)Magnetometer surveys as well as numerous "downhole" borehole geophysics surveys including E.R.(Electro-Resistivity). I am currentyly working on my masters.

-- You need to do some reading or "infinite", "random" and the human mind's desire to pattern. Then go back and look at Kermit I've got an idea: why don't YOU go look on the ink blot equivalent of "Kermit" on Mars for an infinite amount of time, as that is all you are equipped to handle and the only thing you seem to be aware of and able to acknowledge. Translation: you are out of your league and ill-equipped to pronounce on anything seen in the Mars Global Surveyor Satellite imagery.

-- If you like looking foolish I think we're well on your way to you looking foolish, but not at all done yet.

-- Actually you seemed to ignore the points that you couldn't deal with No. Actually as i am pointing out, your only commentary consists of non-sequitors (things not following nor pertaining to the ongoing discussion) and repeated desires to demean your opponent rather than address issues while presenting no facts coupled with a machiavellian desire to elevate yourself with inuendo, tech jargon and pompous mannerism all amounting to -- nothing to contribute except your need to elevate yourself above those ill equipped to address your nonsense; i viewed your numerous postings here prior to posting my own and saw your repeated pathetic need to quelch inquisitive minds yet never providing any substance yourself. I promise, I am not one of these.

-- I am always suspect of people who use the term paradigm. It is a "God Sent" for those who overworked "closed minded". Actually those who care of paradigms in our own life are the ONES who are doing "Original Thought" and not just simply taking what has been handed them by those who have proceeded them as "Gospel". Those who deal in paradigms are the ones who have changed the face of the world and allowed mankind to leap forward. Your own tenuous existance and stibility of life quite clearly revolves around clinging desperately to these same paradigms in a futal attempt to gain a modicum of "security"in your life and in Living. However, the Truth is that security is an illusion and no legitimate scientific thought begins with the enormous prejudice and closed-minded approach and laziness that prohibits examination of anything in detail. You just dismiss the detail with a wave of your arrogant hand presuming you know what this detail will reveal.

The fact is the "devil is in the detail" and requires expertise, no small degree of inate ability, and long hours of analysis and interpration. You've shown your total inability to involve yourself in detail by posting no detail in any of your postings hereon.

JIMBO, you make numerous off the cuff mistatements and utter failure to grasp even simple legislation.

Not at all. It now is in writing that the pres. can do these things. Under martial law and emergency state, it was done in the past. Many times. It is now documented. In any case, just what do you think this means and how when will it affect anyone?

Actually, Jimbo, "martial Law" itself is military law and as legeslated and carried out in all privous instances involves a MILITARY TRIBUNAL or military court. The Exective Order of last February removes any court trial whatsoever and abolishes the civil liberties detial in our constitution (and a part of our civil LAWS) and allows the President to enact this NEW STATE of National Security Crisis and enable the imprisonment of anyone, for any duration, without any trial in a court of law and without any rational given for doing so. When this E.O. was discussed in press converences and release materials an attempt was made to dismiss this new E.O. as am emergency procedure to deal with the large volume of A.I.D.S deaths expected to stall our economy and bring about overall hysteria. Yet this is a totally unreasonable explanation as there is not now any expected nor evident mass deaths in this country from AIDS. Furthermore, Clinton issued this startling E.O. immediately after his having been IMPEACHED and, as a "lame duck" president his concern was establishing his legacy,and not gutting the constitution. WHY would not Clinton leave such potentially damaging legislation for his successor?

I know science and and human nature. I have investigated several claims and they all wreak of the same fanasy prone "I wannna believe" signature. No single shred of physical evidence is available. Photos are always blurry and fakable, movies are worse and/or crude fakes.
I suggest you have a serious look at the images i provide further up on this bulletin board..and also check out my web site.
I have also seen them several times. These are also not new.

None of the imager I present from Mars is "blurry" nor "faked". The imagery i present is fully corroborated by NASA itself in directly suporting links to the orignal images at www.msss.com . Jimbo, it sounds here like you are suggesting that NASA ITSELF is altering imagery and adding features to give the appearance of artificial constructs, but this would be totally irrational.

You are incorrect. While you may have seen the image i posted above on this bulletin board entitled "The Port" on other sites, the rest of my images are unique and pesented by me alone on Mars UnEarthed. I would love to see you explain how a feature, seen in "the Port" image, having a lower rectangular section and an upper squared section turned at a precise 45 degree angle to the lower section with a perfect black circle atop it could possibly be natural and not an artificial anthropomorphic construct.

By the way, while your commentary on NASA and film proceedings shows your deep enduring fascination with NASA protocols, you lose your relevance in your enthusiasm. Specifically, we were discussing your viewing authentic unedited footage and not whether or not NASA downlink feed was encrypted. You surely dont think private enterprise had the ability to monitor the broadcast feeds from the moon and if they did would have an impetus to rush to a media with it while the country was needing gloat over our moon accomplishment? And YES, ALL of our moon landing footage broadcasted by National televsion stations were obtained by filming a monitor; there was no direct feed. Check your sources.

JIMBO.. i issue ONE CHALLENGE to your showing any degree of FACT and contribution of relavant information. It should be simple for you since you blow your own horn saying that ANYONE should know this info and it is an OLD story.


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