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Orian Nebula

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Posted by L Madia on February 26, 2002 04:36:05 UTC

I was out tonight in central West Virginia about 8:00 to 10:00 EST. The 3rd night in a row that I was able to do some good observing. It was a bit hazy, but not bad.

I was expecting some company who had wanted to take a look at the moon, so I set up my Tasco and waited. While waiting I decided to look around. I picked up Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon. Being new to this hobby I go to these sites because I know where to find them and they still amaze me.

Looking to the Southwest I noticed Orion. I have been reading the book "Nightwatch" by Terence Dickinson and I remembered that there is a nebula toward the bottom of the constellation. I turned my scope to the star Rigel in the bottom right hand corner of Orion. I than moved my scope to the left just a few degrees to split the difference between Rigel and Saiph. I than used the micro adjuster to slowly move the scope upward. In just a few moments I could see all sorts of stars. I had the 20mm to give me a wide view because I felt if I had any chance to find the Nebula I would pick it up with that ep. Suddenly I noticed a hazy grouping of stars. I moved the scope till the grouping was better centered and that's when I realized I was looking at a quad star system. As I understand this is the Orion Nebula-M42.

I spent a long time going over the Orion area. It was a nice cool night and I know the weather is going to change, so I wanted to got my fill By the way my company did not show. To bad, they really missed something. At any rate I had a good time in West Virginia.

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