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Posted by Motumos on July 6, 2001 23:24:34 UTC

First of all, I studied the sizes of beaks within the same bird type, and the reason those birds have different size beaks, is because of where they live. In different places of the planet, the climate, weather etc are different, therefore animals must adapt (ADAPTAION, not EVOLUTION). Those birds still have the ability to mate (Again proving species is still the same, not an evolved into another species). There is Adaptaion everywhere in the world, and proof of adaptaion, but there is no proof of Darwins theory of evolution, ever. A species can adapt and it's body will change to adapt to it's environment, but never evolve into another species. I have done alot of research on this, and I studied this very discription you tried to say was evolution, but it's not. I suggest you study some more.

Adaptation is like this, if a human goes to a place like africa, over time, his skin and body will change to adapt to the environment. If he goes to alaska, etc and other parts of the world, the body will adapt accordingly. But never evolve into another species.

Here a fact even darwinist's preach, When a species evolves, they claim they can no longer mate, but those birds you described still have the ability to mate with one another, as well as humans of different races and other of same species which have adapted to environment.

You see, the difference between ADAPTAION and EVOLUTION? If you still don't understan, I suggest you study some more because it really shows you need it.

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