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Re: Theology & Science - No Problem, But...

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Posted by Greg Armel/">Greg Armel on July 1, 1999 05:03:37 UTC

Hello Lee, I am not a Creationist, and I agree that religion should be kept separate from the school system. But this is a public forum specifically meant to address thoughts concerning science and God, and Creationists believe(falsely perhaps) that they have valid points to offer, and so should be welcome here, for here the Truth perhaps is more readily available to be provided for them then any other place they are likely to seek it. Athiests are likewise as apt to promote their view that there is no God based solely on the fact that He has not revealed Himself to them, therefore He does not exist. They tend to find places like this as safe harbors to espouse their view, using science to promote their belief, while science in no way denies the possibility of God's existence. They too should be made welcome, but should also be open to the idea that someone may have something to say which might indicate that the Creator does in fact exist. What you have is six of one, and a half a dozen of the other. What's the difference? Now, to make my point, in the Bible the Rainbow is said to contain God's Covenant. In Reality, The Spectrum can readily be perceived as the Rainbow, and Spectral analyisis provides an unerring view of the elemental make-up of any Incandesent Light source, anywhere throughout the Universe. This can readily be perceived as a God's Covenant to Universal Truth, that is that the Truth perceived anywhere throughout the Universe will be the same Truth perceived anywhere else. There is no margin of error associated with the Spectrum, it is unerring. God's Covenant. The people who wrote the Bible did not know about the Spectrum, but God would have known, so how did a book written some 2,000 years ago just happen to put God's Covenant right where we find an unerring view in science? Secondly, what purpose does the Spectrum serve in Nature? It provides for no other view then to inform an intellect capable of perceiving it. How many other views in Nature are so specifically designed to provide for the intellectually aware? Deduction is also a part of science, what can you deduce from this level of coincidence? It may not be proof, but it seems like a pretty strong indication to me. :o)

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