helo!!! everyone....i would like to say something about this topic.My point is based on buddhist philosophy of life.
Most religions are taught about the existence of trascedental GOd, who created things or would say who created life in all things. But as for me, does all things are just the all manifestations in the workings of what i call Mystic Law, a natural law or the fundmental law which governs all life phenomena in the universe?
I do not believe that "life" itself is to be created in just a single moment. "Life" or in terms in modern usage the "universal life" or the "cosmic life" is the true nature of the universe; the true aspect of all phenomena.According to buddhist teaching " all the workings of the universe are subject to a single principle or law, which is Mystic Law.
God is something like the workings of the minds of the people in which they tend to think a creator of all things. even before in earlier times, people believe in many gods and godesses like in ancient greeks Zeus,the god of thunder etc. which symbolizes this supernatural forces because ancient poeple have no intellect in percieving things that surrounds them until it has been passed this idea in past centuries until this modern age.As human beings today tend to think that man created god than to say that god created man. i want everyone to see your comments about this one.