In searching through the Cornell archives for papers on entanglement, I came upon the paper whose abstract and link are given below.
I am not sure what this has to do with god, but it does have to do with the discussion that Bruce and Harv have been having on this forum.
Now I have also proposed an extra dimension explanation of entanglement, but a very different one.
Dietrich and Been propose that the extra dimension is so large that its size connects the particles entangled. So for the Aspect experiments the size of this dimension must be 10 meters, and for the more significant Zeilinger experiments, the size must be 400 meters. If this is a correct mechanism, then the long distance communication by entangled states discussed by Bruce and Harvey must be ruled out.
My explanation which comes from string theory does not rule out long distance communication. I base my explanation on the theoretical fact (perhaps a misnomer) that fermions require 10 dimensions (more or less depending on the theory) to be created. So if a particle pair of say an electron and a positron are formed at a point, they are formed in 10-D but fly off in opposite directions in 4-D. The remaining 6-D continue to connect the two particles, but in a compactified state. The 6 dimensions roll up into a Planck sized (more or less) thread that continues to link the two particles as long as they remain entangled. That allows for instantaneous correlation of the states of the two particles.
Dietrich and Been point out that this does not violate the causality of General Relativity because it is a 4-D theory. They do not present a 10-D GR theory, nor do they present any theory at all. They present a summary of relevant experiments, a picture of the extra dimension, and propose some more experiments that they claim are relevant.
What bothers me is that I could have done this long ago if I were not so lazy.
An Extra Dimensional Approach of Entanglement
Authors: A.Dietrich, W. Been
Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure
Motivated by the apparent lack of a workable hypothesis we developed a model to describe phenomena such as entanglement and the EPR-paradox. In the model we propose the existence of extra hidden dimensions. Through these dimensions it will be possible for particles, which originate from one source, to remain connected. This connection results in an instantaneous reaction of one particle when the other particle is manipulated. We imagine entanglement in such a model. The results of the experiments which have been performed on this item do not contradict with the existence of the extra dimension(s). In addition, the model opens the possibility to unify the theory of quantum mechanics, gravitation and the general theory of relativity.