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I Cannot Dispute That One

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on July 3, 2003 04:15:03 UTC

He must have been talking with Allah to learn about that one. Of course the Greeks could have learned about the moon from Allah. There is no claim in Islam that Allah talks only to muslims.

So god knew about the expanding universe and told Mohamed. What does that mean? He also told the jews about evolution, in terms of epochs or days, only the jews got two of the days mixed up.

He also told Abraham about the 26 dimensions and the ten dimensions and about compcctification of 6 of them to get 4-D space time as told in the Book of Creation.

He also told the hindus about quarks, and so on and so on.

So what. What does consistency with modern science prove, that one religion is better than another. Not so. All religions come from god with more or less human distortion.

In the Quran it says that the most spiritual of all men is the faithful jew. But the behavior of Muslims towards jews is just the opposite of what the Quran would suggest from that passage. How do you account for the vast discrepancy between what the Quran says and how Muslims act, both in scientific research and toward jews?

Why should anyone be interested in a religion where its members behave so different from what its scripture expects. Same for christianity. Rarely does a christian turn the other cheek or love there enemy.

Can you answwer any of these questions?

You may need the help of Allah,


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