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Posted by S.H. Le on March 16, 2000 05:10:07 UTC

"Well, I believe we are the only intelligence. If God made other intelligence, He would have put in in the Bible. And nothing in the Bible says so. Besides, if God had made other intelligent life on other planets, error would just repeat itself. Disaster would occur. Just think, if we have wars now between other races, what kind of mass wars would there be between other LIFE FORMS??? Compare those. I, for one, am thankful that us human are the only intelligence."

My retort:
Your first argument assumes that the bible is absolutely true, because you`ve used it as a starting premise.

Second, if intelligent life forms are so destructive in the first place, why create them at all? Right now, you claim God has created humans, and horrible wars take place in his name... why wouldn`t an omnipotent God simply create harmonious peace loving intelligent life forms? That seems to be the easier route i think.

"we were offered paradise but squandered it in the garden of Eden".
Why did god create humans that were so fallible as to be "tricked by satan" or succumb to such temptation. It stands to reason that such a powerful god simply could have made us stronger.
Also, after Adam ate the forbidden fruit... God might have simply replied "look, you directly disobeyed my commands, but that`s okay. I`m all compasionate remember? How petty of me to banish you from this paradise, a race i`ve created and love with all my heart. I`m sure you`ve learned your lesson, and will grow because of it".

Obviously God doesn`t do that... he says essentially "you didn`t listen to me... i told you so... now get out!! you`re banished forever."

Seems strange that a God that is all knowing didn`t see this coming. Also strange that an All powerful god screwed up and created a weak species that collapsed under the temptation so easily. It`s even more baffling how an all loving God couldn`t find it in his heart to forgive us humans, and allow us to continue living in paradise as he always intended. You might argue that Heaven is that paradise... well, the fact of the matter is, God created some of us knowing full well that we wouldn`t make it there... if God could not create a paradise on earth, there`s no guarantee he could ever create such a paradise anywhere.

Just the thoughts of a lone atheist. No disrespect intended.

P.S. Sorry about the counter argument thing... it`s just a time saver, i`m really busy these days ;)

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