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It's More Universal Than Capitalistic

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on April 10, 2002 13:47:22 UTC

From your post:

***Tell me then - If our culture hasn't been slanted and biased toward a western view of thinking, then what is our motivation for imperialism, racism, meritocracy, and all the other evils established by our capitalistic approach to government. ***

Think of all the empires based on slavery, which was usually racist, that existed long before capitalism was invented in the west. And in the undeveloped world such systems still exist, and they are are not capitalistic.

I believe that those characteristics are basic to human nature. Before capitalism and western technology, slaves were required provide labor for the empires, the states and their citizens. The invention of machines and technology, while not exactly a result of capitalism, did allow systems to function without slaves being required. But certainly capitalism promoted the invention of such machines. It may also be said to promote democracy as opposed to imperialism, although it is not clear if democracy was the result of capitalism or vice versa.

Bottomline is that democracy, human rights, all people and races created equal, advanced technology, science, and capitalism all developed together in a synergistic manner. We only need to look at the nations in the world that are not capitalistic to find old fashioned imperialism and racism.

Meritocracy, to my way of thinking, is not evil. It allows more capable people to get ahead and as a result prevents stagnation. Class structure cannot be avioded. The communists proved that. So it is best if classes are determined by merit rather than birth or race. But the world still has a long way to go on that score.



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