I'm sorry, it's really hard to cope with the feeling of losing hope in the world. I do apologize for the bitterness, I'm feeling better today.
In a moment like this I wish I could see people reexamining their lives, their values, their understanding of the world. What upset me about your post (as well as Alex's) was that I think science is irrelevant in a dramatic situation such as this. When you see thousands of people dying for no reason you couldn't care less what evolution has to say, because what evolution has to say is not what we want to hear. I'm speaking for myself of course, but I'm sure I'm aligned with the majority.
You call yourself a religious person Harv, and I was really frustrated that you have not written a single word of religious wisdom concerning this situation. You trumpet too much about God but I haven't seen you describe how God could fit in this picture. I can't do the same myself so I can't blame you. I can tell you that when I saw those buildings crumbling down I got very angry with God, very angry. The picture of an indifferent God who created the universe and then sat down to watch its misery from a distance haunts me now as it never did before, not even when I lost loved ones.
Being, in my opinion, the wisest person here, I expected some comforting words from you. I'm still expecting, but I'll try to be more understanding if you fail.
May God bless us all (assuming He cares...) |