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If You Follow Christ, You Have To Keep The Law As Well

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on October 6, 2003 15:53:41 UTC

No one else CAN keep all the law. Right ?

***Wrong. You have to keep the law just as he did***

RE: * But keeping only one or two is not enough according to Jesus. You have to
keep them all. *
Still waiting on Book, Chapter, Verse.

[17] "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.
[18] For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.
[19] Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. ***

RE: * The annulment of the commandments is the teaching of a false prophet. *
I would agree with this statement, but this seems to imply that I said that commandments were annulled.
This is NOT what I said. I indicated. I indicated "DISannulment" of commandments.
agree, DISagree - do you see the opposite meaning ?
Please don’t bear false witness against my words through disannulling what I say.

***You are not making sense here. The commendments were never annulled. So there is no way they can be disannulled. You're confusion is an indication that you are following false teachings***

RE: * You cannot annul what Jesus said. *
I agree, but you can misinterpret what Jesus said - remember how He indicated that (the leaders in the Jewish religion) had eyes but could not see. “blind guides”, I think He said. I pray you do not allow these blind to lead you.
We must allow the power of His Holy Spirit to guide us into truth.
You CANNOT receive the Holy Ghost until you are reborn.

***I was reborn in your sense of rebirth more than 30 years ago. But that was not enough. God required that I stop the deployment of a space defense system lest we provoke WWIII. He told this personally to me via a messenger. So I had to perform good works to satisfy him and satisfy what I had promised to do before I was born, according to him. Your time will come I'm sure***

RE: * Jesus even gave you a few extra laws, like only praying in a closet. Do you really think these have been annulled. So every time Christians pray in public like a church, they sin. Does that include you??? *
False assumptions breed false conclusions.

***What kind of logic is this. This is a direct command of god. Very clear with no way to weasel out of it. You are a sinner to even try. Nothing wrong with being a sinner. We all are. But you sin to even think that you do not sin. Pride is a terrible sin. It seems clear that you are proud that do not sin. But it's just that you think you do not. Better seek repentance***

With love and hope for peace through examination of the truth.

***The truth will make you free, but not peaceful. The truth could crucify you. The truth is harsh, but logical***

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