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I Follow Christ Who Is Not A Sinner

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Posted by Eric Clark on October 6, 2003 16:45:28 UTC

RE: * You have to keep the law just as he did *
I have already failed. Now what ?

RE: * [DISannulled] You are not making sense here. The commendments were never annulled. So there is no way they can be disannulled. You're confusion is an indication that you are following false teachings *
I am sorry that I am not always as clear as I could be as I picked a bad (and incorrect) way to describe it, for this I am sorry, but that does not mean that I am following a false teaching. Many people have difficulty expressing their ideas and beliefs in terms that other particular people can understand. This does not mean that they are all following after false teachings. It means they have difficulty teaching others.
I also have difficulty at times, this is often related to lack of sleep or other causes.
My point that I am trying to make is that there was a change in the law, for we have a new High Priest who sacrificed Himself once for all. The Old Testament sacrifices were a picture of the sacrifice Jesus would make. One sacrifice for sins forever.

Do you still offer up sacrifices such as burnt offerings, etc. ? Where is the temple ?
Who is the priest that enters the holy of holies ? Where is the mercy seat ?
I can tell you my friend, Jesus shed His own blood for you and me that we (Holy Spirit endwelt believers) might be able to enter the holy of holies and obtain mercy from God.

RE: * I was reborn in your sense of rebirth more than 30 years ago. But that was not enough. *
My sense of rebirth is meant to imply the Bible’s sense, which is the receiving of the Holy Ghost by grace through faith. Did you receive His Holy Spirit ? This is the sense I mean.
When you receive the Holy Spirit, you have enough. He saves us. We cannot save ourselves. Does God need our help for anything ? Nay. But after salvation, we go on to do good works out of love for what He did for us.

RE: * God required that I stop the deployment of a space defense system lest we provoke WWIII. He told this personally to me via a messenger. So I had to perform good works to satisfy him and satisfy what I had promised to do before I was born, according to him. *
A born again believer should not reject the New Testament. Christians are to weight all their “feelings” or “experiences” against the word of God.

RE: * [Praying in a closet] What kind of logic is this. This is a direct command of god. Very clear with no way to weasel out of it. You are a sinner to even try. Nothing wrong with being a sinner. We all are. But you sin to even think that you do not sin. Pride is a terrible sin. It seems clear that you are proud that do not sin. But it's just that you think you do not. Better seek repentance *
I am sorry, I did not repeat the logic here again as I have stated it elsewhere.

RE: * The truth will make you free, but not peaceful. The truth could crucify you. The truth is harsh, but logical *
I agree with all this, unless you mean peaceful as in, the peace of God that passes all understanding. We strive for peace, but we cannot deny the truth of the gospel.

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