RE: * You only fail if you give up trying *
But I thought you HAD to KEEP all the laws for salvation. Where did I misread you ?
RE: * You keep all the laws as best you can. *
Now you seem to say that you are only have to keep them as best you can.
Is this relaxing of a commandment ? ( Recall the verses you posted about this ? )
RE: * Sinning has not stopped. It nenevr will. Fals teaching. Stop it *
I did not say sinning has stopped, I said there is no more sacrifice for sin.
RE: *I received the Holy Spirit, and then a messenger from god who told me what I had promised to do in this life, and later Jesus himself, who encouraged me to keep on combining exercise and religion, as he did not put enough emphasis on exercise*
Again, it appears we use the same words with different meanings.
Maybe I better stick to saying “close personal relationship with Jesus”.
Do you also have a “close personal relationship with Jesus” in Judiaism ?
RE: * Waht a funny answer. What are you thinking *
Truth is often funnier than fiction and I’m just thinking that the Bible is truth.
RE: * Aparently you are in agreement *
No, I was just too lazy. ( a sin )
Again, for the praying in a closet, see
RE: *Please do not try to deny the truth of the Gospel. *
Again, same words, different meaning.
The Gospel is that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, died in your place to pay for your sins and God offers you eternal life through accepting this free gift(His Son) by faith.
It has truly been a pleasure and I pray that I will be able to come along again one day soon, Lord willing. It is my lot that other matters now draw my attention away, but I will continue to pray for you.
May the God of all peace rule in our hearts and draw us close to Him. Amen.
My love and prayers go with you, Eric %^) |