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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on August 27, 2001 17:09:24 UTC

My dear Richard,

My logic circuits (and perhaps those of some others) may not be capable of interpreting the writings of others quite the same way, as you may seem to be interpreting them. Perhaps it would benefit us all if you were to give examples of the dogma that you speak of. I am certain that there is no harm in seeking to be corrected.

My deepest sympathy is first for myself for not being able to convey a message. Then it is for those of us who are not able to convey the facts to one another in an understandable way or in a comprehensible manner.

Can one agree that those who are seeking an office or wish to have followers or some sort of position or power practice real dogma?

May it be gain said that one who shares knowledge seeks not power to rule? For if that was the case then all the power(s) would be divided amongst many rulers who would by the same doctrine make more rulers thus making their power and ruler-ship position to none effect. Therefore if one should chose to disclose useful knowledge the use for it can be determined by the individual who reads it. And that one gains nothing materially tangible by sharing this knowledge in this world. The knowledge of the satisfaction of knowing that one shared ones’ acquired knowledge is most self rewarding for it brings equality amongst humans such as it has never been seen before. Therefore: those who deliberately hide knowledge and chose to terrorize those who part with it, with out discrimination, evidently practice real dogma.

The one who is offended or opposed by the knowledge offered usually disregards it or replies with a valuable rebuttal and not opinion(s). For it is truly the opinionated one who practices terror upon those who share knowledge without pointing a finger at a specific person.

As ever humble


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