Can it be said that Algebra exists not in the book of Life for if God is quantifiable then this god (of yours) is a limited God and is admittedly limited by scales or balances. The book of life is about living events. The mathematics is only a tool used by those who believe not in the hidden, but very real, God who made and continues to make all things by his word "Be" and it is made to Be without tools and with out any need for any preexisting matter of the materialist. (The book of like composed of alphabetical values and not numbers. [I.e. Words hold the power if uttered in the right sequence. Only the ?One God? knows the word that brings life (a beginning) and can bring death an end)].
The creature of the matter is limited by mathematics which it is able to comprehend and this same matter can not comprehend its' own maker except this living matter is given the knowledge by its' maker to understand the generosity of its' own maker who needs no reason to be or not to be in eternity future or in eternity past.
"The One God" must not have a competitor or be subject to equation and must be able to bring in to being all else from naught and with out whom naught else exists.
If you believe in apes turning in to humans how about humans turning in to apes?
Here is links (food) for your thought:
May Allah (God) bless us with knowledge?