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It Doesn't Matter Where It Comes From

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Posted by Aurino Souza on April 25, 2001 18:05:03 UTC


I think you're missing my point. I said it doesn't matter where love comes from, we shouldn't stop loving just because we think we know what it is. Or that we shouldn't stop listening to music just because we think the musical experience is purely neurological.

So even if we think we know the truth about religious feeling, as opposed to the outer expression of these feelings through myths and rituals, that alone is not a reason to stop being religious. Is that so difficult to understand?

I'm with you on "enough of religious hogwash", I couldn't agree more. Enough of towers of Babel and arks and gigantic floods and gardens of Eden and gods taking human form. But that to me only means we need more acceptable metaphors to express the spirituality which is an inborn trait most of us share, just like the ability to love or to feel transported to heaven by the sound of a violin.

You are not advocating the end of religion, you are advocating the end of spirituality, and that is something that just won't happen. You are trying to deny people their right to feel human in the way they conceive being human is. Science is trying to make us look like apes, and monkeys look like any animal, and any animal like any vegetal, and everything just a bunch of atoms subject to the laws of physics, different in complexity but not in nature. People just won't buy that because they have something they don't find anywhere else, which is their subjective life. You can't possibly ask people to deny their subjectivity, although you can prove that it's a far cry from their consciousness to some flood story in an ancient book.

I'm sure I won't get my point across once again...

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