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Posted by GwynJ on February 9, 2001 04:42:44 UTC

A personal belief in God is not the cause of 'weird activity'. It is that person's choice on how they express their acceptance of a personal relationship. Not all believers are alike any more than all scientists or artists are. Perhaps being too general is a mistake.

Of course, as you see, 'respectable' people question believers in a way of comparing 'how does your belief differ from the folks in your church'. my answer would be I don't KNOW about them, nor is it my concern except to raise questions to the individual I see when I can. But if it's harmless and in their hearts to do, God weighs the belief of the heart, not the collective actions of a so-called 'religion'. He didn't "make" religion. Some interpretations just seem to catch on. Who knows why? But, like running a race, one gets further by keeping towards one's focus, rather than looking side to side to see what others are doing. The basic thing is, we've each been made by Him for some reason known only TO him. Depends on how distracted we choose to be, like do we continue our studies or reflect instead on why folks are talking in the hall? Focus. Intent.

I know my beliefs are probably somewhat of a different take than some in my area, but that doesn't change the fact God exists or that I have a relationship with Him like everyone else can.

If you find it unrespectable to dance in joy, then don't dance. no one says you must. but if you find yourself believing in your relationship with him, you might be surprised how he crosses your path with others of like mind and heart because he doesn't wish us to feel alone. perhaps you will find yourself being made the most of by continuing to educate people about science where there seemed to be none, and it will feed THEIR relationships with further discovery. it's up to you. talents and knowledge of 'before' are not laid waste with belief but built upon and fed further, more insightfully than anticipated in most cases i've seen.

the spoonbending guy? obviously self-serving. even the bible warns to test false people, and not to believe just anything. i think that's cool of god. watching such a thing would not have embarrassed me because i didn't do it.

but there are 'supernatural' things. a friend confirmed that i had 'travelled' to his apartment years ago when i drew a sketch of all i saw. i'd never been to such a place for it to be like a 'memory' or anything, and it was unique to where he lived. i did it a couple other times but without confirmation, so i'm not convinced i was 'successful'. this i did years ago, and don't think it would be appropriate for me to pursue as a believer. there is too much else i need to be doing to mess with it. :) but i don't expect you to believe any of this either. you weren't there. i was. :)

don't worry so much about what other people think. if you really cared, you wouldn't have gotten this far in science because it's a very scrutinizing, rigorous pursuit, right? so is being your own person and having your own relationship with your maker. so ask HIM 'IF you exist, PROVE it to me because you know I don't believe in just anything'. (I think he likes that kind of person more, the discerning type, just like you like intelligent questions that are eagerly sought and not just passing curiosity, right?). maybe that's another way we're made in his image...hmmm..

I've been agnostic and atheistic already. I have no convincing argument to return there.

please pardon me if i sounded preachy, i certainly didn't mean to. i guess i'm enthusiastic about what i know just like you are. :) thanks for your patience and time.


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